Ahhh....soooo many times we would have friends and family over in Canada and they would ask us to burn them a CD.
One of my favourite things in LIFE is the sound of music (cliche???). In all honestly, music just brings a sudden JOY and EXCITEMENT to my life. When I hear music I honestly feel that I come alive. It's a shame that I can NOT sing. I tell everyone - If I even had a "decent" shower voice I'd walk around singing my words.... Unfortunately for me (and fortunately for the ppl around I keep silent) I have a horrendous voice!!! So I mostly keep it to the PROS, and mi esposo - he seems to have a natural gift for the arts... music, song, instruments, art, and dance!!! Ohhh I hope our children take after him!!!!
Neways, I thought I'd start posting a few of my favourite songs weekly. This way - ppl can tell me what they think!!!!
So far I am not electronically inclined to post them like some of my blogger amigas/amigos!!!
Some of the artists I am going to display over the next few weeks... I truly feel you will be suprised!!! Please let me know what you think!!!!
One of my ALL time favourites Luis Miguel... Who I was SO fortunate to see LIVE in Las Vegas on Mexican Independance Day of 2007 - WOW.... is below. I really hope you will all enjoy, Llike I said before, more is yet to come!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQirsttMUPg(Luis Miguel sings a better version, but this is the video and I can't find his version....)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoB7Ytulw2sLinda Ronstadt (hay unos ojos)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skdsa5HYB7gVicente Fernandez y Ana Gabriel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkMSj2gfc8Shakira y Miguel Bose
Okay, so these are just a FEW of my favourite artists and songs!!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I assure you they mean even more when you understand the true translation from Spanish to English... Maybe in a later post I'll direct translate a song for all to hear!!!! Perhaps even my wedding song by Luis Miguel!!!!
Neways, I hope you all enjoy the music as much as I do!!!!