I know I've been MIA from the blogging world lately. I have so much catching up to do on everyone's blogs, and probably have a few stories worthy of a post myself.
My BFF Abby left yesterday and it was so sad watching her leave. I actually was spoiled as she extended her stay an additional 3 days so I can't complain. I do miss her though. Abby used to live here in Cancun with me 8ish years ago. She speaks fluent Spanish as she completed part of her Business Degree in Cordoba, Argentina a few years ago. It was great having her back here with me. It was probably the first time since I've been married that we've been able to spend this much time together at once.
We did a bunch of touristy things, and since I'm not the best story teller or writer I will spare you with all the details. However, with that being said I will give you a bit of an idea.... Pictures are worth more than words sometimes, right???
Us girls went to Carlos n' Charlies
A trip is not complete w/out a VIP experience :)
Had to have a BBQ/pool party with our friends :)
A trip to the Tulum Ruins!!!
Puerto Morelos for the day!
All in all we had a great time together, and I'll be in Calgary in a month or so. I can't wait :)
Looks like you guys had an awesome time! I cried when my friends left (after they left, on the bus on the way home..people were looking, haha)
What is that fancy theatre looking place? Looks like a great place to escape the heat!
I know some of those ladies :)
I love getting visitors here! Glad you had a great time with her.
Looks like it was a great visit with the girls!
Glad you had a great time with your BFF. Lucky that you will see her soon!
Louise - Amiga, I had such a good time but am missing her like crazy!!!!! I cried too - she cried in duty free!! Us Calgarians, eh??
Ohhh the VIP movie theatre here in Cancun, best experience ever!! You guys don't have one???? xoxoxox!!!
Laura - You do!!!! Thank you, I looove visitors too!!! I have been so fortunate to have so many stay with me, but I want more... LOL! Selfish!!!
Lisa - Thanks amiga - it was great :)
Kay - you are SO right, I am so lucky i'll be seeing her so soon!! I can't wait to get back to Cgy and spend time w/ all my friends and family!!!!!
Beautiful girls!
How great for you! It is always nice when good friends come to visit us in Cancun.
So cool, my BFF is coming in May with her hubby and another of our friends. I cant wait!!!! But I already know seeing them leave is going to be so sad.
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