Hey Everyone!!!
It seems like about once a month I start a blog by admitting I am the worst blogger out there !! This time I do have a bit of an excuse as we recently moved into our new place, AND we have been without internet until this past Sunday. We weren't even notified that we had it, but hubby just noticed that our modem was blinking in all the right places!! LOL!!!

Soooo I recently celebrated my 29+1 birthday while in Calgary for a short visit. I had way too much fun, and way too much tequila. Wow, I haven't partied like that in YEARS. My BFF's threw me a surprise party which was soooo freaking fantastic. I'll share one tidbit of a story - my mom paid for my make up to be done as she knew something was going on and suggested we get false lashes put on. So we had the works, and sometime throughout the evening one of my eyelashes fell off and the other stayed put. Hahaha. I didn't notice until the early hours of the morning so who knows how long I was prancing around thinking I looked so good with one eyelash. Hahaha.
My baby brother and I - notice eyelashes are still intact!

I actually will share another piece of information with everyone as I really have kept it quite a secret. One of the reasons I went home for my birthday was my friend set me up with a job interview back home - too good to turn away. It was almost exactly what I was doing before I moved to Cancun. It was for a Claims Manager Position for a FANTASTIC insurance company in Canada. The salary was really good considering I've been out of the business now for almost 2 years; $73,000 to start with full benefits, pension, discounted insurance rates, RRSP contributions, etc... The list goes on and on. I nailed the interview and they asked me to meet in person which I so willingly obliged. All my references were called, criminal/credit background checks complete. What happened next? I have been made an offer and I don't think I am going to be accepting it. I really truly hope I do not regret this decision, but it's just too soon, and not enough time for me to truly prepare myself for the move. They want me to start June 15th. Ummm...It's June 1st people!!!
I admit I have truly been wanting to move back home. I am not homesick by any means which is funny as that is usually the reason everyone wants to leave. My reason numero uno is that I miss my independence. I truly do not feel like an independent woman here in Cancun. I know a large part of that is my own doing. I lack the self-confidence to just go out there and do things for myself in this foreign country. I blame it on my Spanish speaking ability, but I'm not sure that is it.... I also miss having my own money. Yes I could get a job here - I've actually been offered fantastic opportunities but it's not enough for me. I didn't move to Cancun to make less than half of what I made in Canada, no benefits or pension, and work the same hours as I did in Canada. If I were going to work again I will do it in Canada.
Okay, well that is it for now as I don't want to bore you all with the details of my life!!! Cancun is scorching hot right now and I am finding it hard to keep cool without using our A/C. I'll be going back to Calgary next week which was a trip I have had planned since earlier this year. Nothing more than a visit. I'll be sure to take some pics of our new place that I actually love, love, love.
Happy Hump Day peeps!!!