Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Time to lose the ponch....

Being back in Cancun has it's advantages, as well as it's disadvantages. Living the "beach" life is a real treat. I love the warm weather. I love that I can leave the house with out fear of being too cold. However, now that I've just had Baby E I am slightly self conscious. Okay, more than slightly.... I am VERY self conscious. So the disadvantage here? You can't hide underneath a layer of clothes, and all my friends are in SUPER shape. All of them. Not kidding.

Well yesterday hubby and I went to Costco and I bought a scale. This was the first time I've weighed myself since having Baby E. I thought I had 15lbs to lose, but was shocked to see I had 20.... I don't even know what to say. I am still in shock. No wonder none of my clothes fit. I went from being a size 2 to a size 8. Yes, I said 8. I have never in my life been larger than a size 4. I don't mean to sound vain. I worked hard to stay in shape all those years. Now that I'm 32 and just had a baby...Not so easy. I was on bed rest for 17 weeks of my pregnancy, and after having a c-section only just started working out again. I don't even know if you can call it working out. I have started stretching, and building muscle slowly. Baby steps I guess....

Hubby and I are going to start the gym soon. It's just really hard as he is working longer hours, and I have a baby. How we are going to find the time? Beats the heck out of me.... Should help that I am getting a car soon. I can run the errands during the day and it should free up some of our evenings.

Okay, Baby E is crying and I must run. Seriously, don't get a break!!! Not even time to proof read this mess of a post!!

Hope you're all having a good week!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Baby E's First Beach Day!!!

Well we finally were brave enough to take our little girl to the beach. Times sure have changed.  We can no longer just grab the beach bag and run. Instead we need to make sure we have bottles, change of clothes, waterproof diapers, regular diapers, blankets, sunscreen for baby, etc... The list goes on and on.

Hubby and I took Baby E to the Hyatt here in Cancun to meet some friends. The day was beautiful for the most part, until a torrential storm came pouring down. Hahaha. Poor baby had no idea what was going on.... Utter confusion.

All in all, she loved lying in the sun with the breeze. Also, she went in the pool and didn't cry!! It was only her second time in a pool, and the first was a complete failure.