Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday in Cancun...Sorta

Now that hubby and I are on the lookout for all things baby, we are also looking at prices. Things in Cancun are much more expensive than they are north of the border. Hate to say it, but the quality isn't always there either.

Most of our friends usually take a few trips a year to Florida and do their shopping there. They buy in bulk, and take full advantage of the better prices. Hubby and I were thinking about going for Black Friday, but I've been told not to fly that much right now. A few pregnancy complications that I can get into another time.

Anyways, we were at Paseo Cancun last week and look what we found? Sales, real sales!!! Paseo Cancun is considered an outlet mall here in Cancun. Don't get too excited, it's not a real outlet mall if you ask me. However, better than nada!!

Now these prices may look a little expensive, and they are however it was take an additional 50% off the last price!!! Now that is a deal.... At least here in Cancun it is. We didn't end up buying anything...We are just 20 weeks pregnant now, and don't want to jinx ourselves. We will wait until some time in the new year. However, we still like to look. Baby things are just toooo cute. 

Did you find any Black Friday deals?!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Look what I found!!??

It's like Christmas has come early!!!

Salt and Vinegar, Ranch, Sweet Onion....WOW!!!

I've seen these at Chedraui, but found these bad boys at Mega and for half the price. My prayers have been answered. Chips are about the only junk food this gal eats, and snacks on. Soooo excited right now :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words....

Don't you just love rainbows?

Took this picture last week....Thought you would enjoy :)

Over the lagoon......

Wonder if there is a pot of gold?!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Old Wive Tale - Mayan Style!

Old Wives Tale:  Mayan Tale

There are soooo many old wives tales related to pregnancy it' is somewhat ridiculous. I'll be honest, I don't read too much into them. Heck, there's a 50/50 chance they are right. LOL.  However, it's unbelievable to me how many Mommas out there do believe in this stuff. I'm not judging, just shocked. I have complete strangers tell me - Oh you're having a girl because your tummy is high. Or, you're having a boy because your skin is clear. Hahaha. It's hilarious. I love playing along...I'll be honest.
Well here is one I bet none of you have heard? Or maybe I was the only one... The Mayans have their own old wives tale. Shocker!! The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception.  If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl.  If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!  According to this, we are having a girl.
Looks like we will find out in 4 1/2 months....!!!
Did any of these tales work for you? Do you have any more good ones for me??!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hard Rocks Grand Opening

If you are a reader of this blog you'll remember I wrote a few posts about the transition of the Cancun Palace into the Hard Rock Cancun. I posted a few photos of the renovations that were being completed, and haven't posted since.

A few weeks ago the Hard Rock Cancun had it's official Grand Opening. The owners spared no expense. Celebrities took over the resort. If you were lucky enough to have been a guest at the time, you would have been surrounded by B and C list celebrities all week. Still, not bad. The Goo Goo Dolls performed, Flo Rida, and a few more artists. There were three days of parties that lasted well into the early morning.

The hotel is officially open for business. The pool renovations are complete, the rooms are all finished, the restaurants. I must say I love it. I really wasn't sure what I'd think? I'm not a huge fan of rock music. I may be an 80's child, but I certainly don't remember them all that well. I was more of an 80's baby. 90's child. Oh the dreaded fashion of the 90's...I digress.

Here are a few photos from the night of the event. Were you there?

The exclusive bracelet - worth about $6000 pesos!!!

The front entrance lit up at night

Just some of the delicious food being served...YUM!!

Hubby and his gang :)

Flo Rida... 

The pool lit up - I love pools :)

Hubby and his Wilmer Valdermoment :)